Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 11:11:37 -0400 From: "The American Civil Liberties Union" To: "The American Civil Liberties Union" Subject: stop the Terrorism Information Awareness project Thank you for using The American Civil Liberties Union Mail System Message sent to the following recipients: Representative Capuano Message text follows: Matthew Belmonte [address] July 22, 2003 [recipient address was inserted here] [recipient name was inserted here], I urge you to support the defunding of the Terrorism Information Awareness program, formerly known as Total Information Awareness, or TIA. In its version of the 2004 defense appropriations bill, the Senate cut funding entirely for this program -- a program that would indiscriminately track the daily activities of Americans or falsely identify thousands of innocent citizens as potential terrorists. By collecting and correlating data on everyone, regardless of any grounds for suspicion, TIA would undermine current standards of privacy and freedom from unreasonable searches. Curtailing everyone's privacy rights would be to capitulate, and to admit erroneously that human rights and human safety are mutually exclusive. Rather than curtailing human rights within the United States, the way to put a long-lasting stop to terrorism is to expand human rights in the impoverished nations whose desperation breeds terrorism. Once again, I urge you to support the Senate language which would defund the so-called "Terrorism Information Awareness" program, formerly known as Total Information Awareness, or TIA. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this crucial matter. Sincerely, Matthew Belmonte