I urge you to support HR 603, a bill to provide for adjustment of immigration status for certain aliens granted temporary protected status in the United States because of conditions in Montserrat. As you know, several years ago a large number of people from Montserrat lost everything to the volcanic eruptions that devastated their island, and were forced to flee to other countries. 292 of them are in the United States, and have just been informed that the Department of Homeland Security plans to end their temporary protected status in February. These people have worked hard to build new lives in the United States, and have come to the United States specifically because they believe in the American ideals of opportunity and hard work. (Others from Montserrat chose to go to Britain.) Many of them have children who are United States citizens and who know no other country or culture. These 292 innocent and hard-working people should not be allowed to become yet another set of victims of the culture of suspicion that has become ever more the norm in the American immigration system during the past three years. HR 603 is currently stalled in the Judiciary Committee. I hope that you'll communicate with your colleagues who may be able to move it out of committee and to a floor vote while there is still time.