Subject: don't confirm Gonzales without promises to investigate torture To: "The American Civil Liberties Union" From: "The American Civil Liberties Union" Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:32:21 -0500 (EST) Thank you for using The American Civil Liberties Union Mail System Message sent to the following recipients: Senator Kennedy Senator Kerry Message text follows: Matthew Belmonte [address] January 27, 2005 [recipient address was inserted here] [recipient name was inserted here], I urge you to oppose voting on the nomination of an architect of the government's detention, interrogation and torture policies, Alberto Gonzales, for Attorney General until you have all key torture-related documents, and until Gonzales commits to appoint an outside special counsel to fully investigate and, if warranted, prosecute civilians who violated or conspired to violate the nation's laws against torture and abuse. Unless these two conditions are met, the Senate will not have the information or commitment to accountability necessary to meaningfully meet its constitutional duty of "advise and consent" on nominations. The abuses at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere would not have occurred without the permissive tone that was set by Gonzales' memo on interrogation practices and the Geneva Conventions. These abuses will come back to haunt the United States, exposing its troops and civilians to retribution in future crises. The Bush administration must release all torture-related documents, and Gonzales should as a condition of his confirmation agree to appoint a special counsel to investigate all the allegations of torture. Once again, I urge you to refuse to vote on the nomination of Gonzales until the administration releases torture-related documents and Gonzales himself commits to appointing a special counsel. Even when these promises are made and the vote proceeds, I hope that you'll vote against confirming Alberto Gonzales, who has demonstrated that his primary allegiance is to his political friends, rather than to the rule of law. Sincerely, Matthew Belmonte