I urge you to support and to co-sponsor Senator Harkin's recently introduced bill to close the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba within 120 days of enactment. This legislation terminates funding for every activity except sending charged or sentenced prisoners to Fort Leavenworth and transferring the remaining prisoners to their home countries or to countries that will not torture, abuse, or otherwise persecute them. Fort Leavenworth prison was specifically designated, designed, and built by the Department of Defense to hold national security prisoners. The United States has been holding at least 385 men indefinitely and without charge at Guantanamo for long enough. Senator Harkin's bill would ensure that all prisoners will at last be charged and tried or released. Again, please support and co-sponsor Senator Harkin's important legislation to finally close the Guantanamo Bay prison. I eagerly await your response.