I hope that you'll co-sponsor HR 3845, the USA PATRIOT Amendments Act. This long-overdue bill would protect constitutional speech and privacy by (1) amending the national security letter statute to ensure that the government obtains financial, communication and credit records only of people reasonably suspected of being terrorists or spies; (2) permitting national security letter gag orders only when a court has been convinced that such an order is necessary; (3) Terminating the "lone wolf" authority that permits the government to spy on individuals who are not members of any terror organisation; and (4) ensuring that the library records provision of Section 215 does not authorise collection of library and bookshop records if they contain information on the patron. As you can imagine, the bill is not perfect. It leaves intact the USA PATRIOT Act's "material support" provision, permitting prosecution of those who work with or for charities that give humanitarian aid in good faith to war-torn countries. I hope, therefore, that you will also support adding a provision that would limit prosecution to those who actually intend to support terrorist-oriented actions. The chilling effect of the "material support" clause on charitable activities cannot be overstated: I, for instance, have found myself wondering whether I should be avoiding unstable nations such as Pakistan when I give micro-loans through kiva.org. It's the peaceful people living in countries that are host to such terror cells who most deserve humanitarian aid and giving: if our aid can keep people out of desperate circumstances, terror organisations will not have so many desperate people from whom to recruit.