I am writing to ask you to co-sponsor Representative Chaffetz's (R-UT) bipartisan bill, the Aircraft Passenger Whole-Body Imaging Limitations Act of 2011. The bill puts reasonable limits on the use of aviation security methods in order to safeguard travelers from overreaching and invasive practices. Aviation security requires striking a balance between safety and privacy. Unfortunately, TSA has developed increasingly invasive methods of searching passengers - methods that seem questionable in light of the prohibition, by Article IV of the Constitution, of searches that are not "reasonable." TSA thugs have subjected passengers to "enhanced" pat-downs that have resulted in reports from people feeling humiliated and traumatised, and in some cases, comparing their psychological impact to sexual assaults. TSA is now engaged in widespread deployment of whole body imaging scanners that produce graphic images of passengers' bodies. The body scan is a virtual strip search that reveals not only one's private body parts, but also intimate medical details such as colostomy bags. Each new method has received a significant backlash from the public, and it is time for Congress to stand up for travellers' right to privacy. The use of whole body imaging and invasive pat downs without reasonable suspicion amounts to a significant assault on the essential dignity of passengers and should not be used as part of a routine screening procedure. Please contact Representative Chaffetz and tell him you would like to cosponsor HR 1279, the Aircraft Passenger Whole-Body Imaging Limitations Act of 2011.