Please support HR 2306, a bill introduced by Barney Frank and Ron Paul to end federal prohibition of marijuana. Like alcohol prohibition in the 1920s, marijuana prohibition fails in its intended effect, and only creates a black market that spurs violent crime. Marijuana is not like other currently illegal or regulated drugs: it isn't strongly addictive and it doesn't cause aggressive behaviour. Whereas other drugs can increase violent crime, marijuana simply increases visits to doughnut shops. HR 2306 wouldn't force any state to legalise marijuana. It will simply get the federal government out of the way and allow states to implement their own policies. A number of states have majority public support for marijuana legalisation; marijuana is decriminalised in fourteen states, and available with a physician's prescription in sixteen states. Nationwide support for legalisation continues to rise each year and is nearing 50%. HR 2306 is an important issue of states' rights and I hope that you will co-sponsor this important bill and give your utmost effort to see that it becomes law.