Tuesday 26 February 2013 Dear Mr Leslie The right of the accused to be confronted with the evidence against him or her is fundamental to a free state and a free society. Part 2 of this Government's proposed Justice and Security Bill would rubbish this right, by applying Closed Material Procedures in a broad range of criminal and civil trials in cases in which - according to the Government's assertion - national security might be harmed by disclosure of such evidence in open court, or even privately to the defendant. As it is nigh impossible to defend oneself against unknown evidence and unknown spin, Closed Material Procedures would fundamentally prejudice trials against the accused. Prudence and fairness dictate that should any prejudice at all exist, the bias ought to be in the opposite direction, away from conviction. This bill would constitute a licence for sham trials, kangaroo courts and cover-ups. Do we trust this Government - or any political institution constituted of fallible human beings - always to act morally in the absence of open scrutiny? I urge you to scrap Part 2 of the Justice and Security Bill. Kind regards Matthew BELMONTE