Four days ago the British Medical Association notified NHS England that because Capita, the NHS's contractor administering (or rather failing to administer) GP training, hasn't paid trainee doctors - many of whom are owed months in salary arrears and stand in arrears themeslves on mortgages and other living expenses - practices are "having to pay trainees out of already overstretched practice budgets, or trainees are going months without being paid if the practice cannot cover the shortfall". Especially as Wymondham is heavily impacted by the NHS, I urge you to look into this matter urgently. There must be some clause in the contract that allows its abrogation in the event of such non-performance. Our National Insurance taxes oughtn't to be being paid to line the pockets of do-nothing contractors. More significantly, doctors, like anyone else, cannot be at the top of their game if they don't know whence their next mortgage payment is coming; this issue therefore affects patient safety. For both these reasons the NHS should terminate its ideologically driven outsourcing contract with Capita and return to public administration of GP training.