
tools for measurement and enhancement of brain images, and format translation from General Electric Signa scanner data

area MRI measurement tool

gecon convert a GE Signa scan series to Silicon Graphics RLE format
fromge convert a GE Signa image to Silicon Graphics RLE format
afnicon convert an MRI data set from SGI format to AFNI format (source code available on request)
bvcon convert an MRI data set from SGI format to BrainVox format (source code available on request)
epicat concatenate Advanced NMR echo-planar image files

clump remove isolated high-intensity pixels
colourise turn a greyscale image into a false-colour image
unwarp register a warped echo-planar functional image series with an unwarped anatomical image
boundary_interpolate calculate boundaries of brain area on interpolated slices
segment perform tissue segmentation on a double-echo MRI data set

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