Download Gnuroscan

Copyright (c) 1996 Matthew Belmonte

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

If you find this program useful, please send mail to Matthew Belmonte.
<>.  If you base a publication on data processed by this
program, please notify Matthew Belmonte and include the following citation
in your publication:

	Matthew Belmonte, `A Software System for Analysis of
	Steady-State Evoked Potentials', Association for Computing
	Machinery SIGBIO Newsletter 17:1:9-14 (April 1997).

Programs Included in this Distribution

cntcat - concatenate .CNT files
lderiv - compute a linear derivation from a .CNT file
range - replace points in a .AVG file by local range measures
extreme - replace points in a .AVG file by local extrema
detrend - remove linear voltage trends from a .AVG file (a high-pass filter)
smooth - smooth a .AVG file (a low-pass filter)
rectify - replace points in a .AVG file by their absolute values
power - compute the power spectrum of a .AVG file in a moving window
addavg - compute the pointwise sum of two .AVG files
scale - scale a .AVG file
subepoch - extract a sub-interval from a .AVG file
ztrans - z-transform a .AVG file, with variance and mean from another .AVG file

chisquare - compute a Chi-square test on the .AVG output from ztrans
permtest - a permutation test applied to a group of .AVG files
ttest - apply Student's t test to a .AVG file
mannwhitney - the Mann-Whitney test applied pointwise to two sets of .AVG files
signtest - the sign test applied pointwise to a group of .AVG files
friedman - Friedman's rank test applied pointwise to a set of .AVG files

dumpavg - create an ASCII dump of a .AVG file
dumpevtb - create an ASCII dump of the event table of a .CNT file
plotavg - translate a .AVG file into PostScript code for printing

Only the "power" program requires the Numerical Recipes library to compile; the others depend only on public-domain libraries.

There are also some other programs, specifically tailored for analysing steady-state evoked potentials. These are described in the accompanying paper.

How to Download and Unpack this Distribution

To download the Gnuroscan software, click here. You'll need to unpack the resulting file using the following UNIX shell command:

gzcat gnuroscan.tar.gz | tar -xf -
(Note that this is the Gnu version of zcat, not the BSD version. You can get Gnu zcat by downloading the current version of gzip.)

This software has been compiled and tested under IRIX 5.3-6.2 and under Solaris 2.7. Gnu/Linux and other operating systems should work, but no guarantees are made. To compile the software, first select a Makefile and edit it so that the definitions are appropriate for your system configuration. Save the result as "Makefile". Then type "make public". (Or, if you have the Numerical Recipes library installed and have set its location appropriately in your Makefile, type "make complete".)

If you want the IBM-PC stimulus delivery program also, compile it in Microsoft QuickC using the following command line:

QCL /G2 /FPi87 /Ox /Zp /F 4000 FASTSHFT.C